Renewable Energy Administrative and Regulatory Proceedings

Public Utilities Regulatory Authority. The firm’s energy attorneys have decades of experience representing clients before state regulatory tribunals, including the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA).  PURA  is statutorily charged with ensuring that Connecticut's investor-owned utilities provide safe, clean, reliable, and affordable utility service and infrastructure. PURA’s mission is essential to advancing the state’s energy, economic, and environmental goals and is critical to maintaining public health and safety and a robust economy. PURA proceedings are essential for renewable energy companies because investor-owned utilities administer most renewable energy incentive programs.  Thus, the renewable energy industry must sit at the table at PURA regulatory and administrative proceedings. 

Connecticut Siting Council. Michaud Law Group also represents solar, battery energy storage, and stationary fuel cell companies in proceedings before the Connecticut Siting Council (CSC).  The CSC  was first established as the Power Facility Evaluation Council in 1972, following the passage of the Public Utility Environmental Standards Act. In 1981, it became known as the Connecticut Siting Council with the passage of PA 81-369, which expanded the Council’s original jurisdiction over the siting of power facilities and transmission lines to include hazardous waste facilities. The Council’s jurisdiction has since been extended to include various other forms of infrastructure, including most renewable energy generation facilities, including solar (above one megawatt), all battery energy storage systems, and all stationary fuel cell systems.  CSC approval is necessary for these renewable energy projects to be constructed.

Department of Energy and Environmental Protection. The firm’s energy and environmental attorneys are very active before the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) on behalf of our renewable energy clients.  DEEP  is charged with conserving, improving, and protecting the state's natural resources and environment. It also makes cheaper, cleaner, and more reliable energy available for the state's people and businesses. The agency is also committed to positively rebuilding Connecticut’s economy, creating jobs, and fostering a sustainable and prosperous economic future for the state.  DEEPS Energy Branch includes the Bureau of Energy and Technology Policy, which develops and implements comprehensive state-wide energy policy, plans, and programs to promote Connecticut's cleaner, cheaper, more reliable energy future. The Energy Branch also includes PURA.  The Environmental Quality Branch comprises the Bureaus of Air Management, Materials Management and Compliance Assurance, and Water Protection and Land Reuse. These bureaus protect the state's air, land, and water resources by regulating air emissions, wastewater discharges, and solid and hazardous wastes. Tools used include the development of regulations, policies, and standards; permitting and enforcement; air and water quality monitoring; and public outreach and education.

Department of Agriculture. Michaud Law Group is well-versed in the new rules and regulations of the Connecticut Department of Agriculture (DOAG) regarding our solar clients. Recent regulations require that solar on Prime Farmland deploy Agrivoltaics. Agrivoltaics refers to integrating solar energy and farming on the same land. All dual-use applications encompass the construction of solar generating units while using land under and between panels for agricultural purposes such as crops and livestock grazing.  DOAG recommends dual-use systems that maximize crop production and minimize vegetation management changes while incorporating solar energy production. Solar installations should be strategically designed, installed, and operated to maintain agricultural productivity and soil quality.  The firm has advised several clients on the new Agrivoltaics requirements of DOAG, resulting in several successful Agrivoltaics projects in the state.

Renewable Energy Administrative and Regulatory Proceedings

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